Big anniversaries in the premium cigar world are often acknowledged with special releases, and Oliva Cigars is about to mark a major milestone. This October, Oliva will celebrate 135 years in the tobacco business, and is honoring its long history with a limited-edition Serie V Perfecto.
Aptly dubbed the 135th Anniversary Edición Limitada, the commemorative cigars measure 5 1/2 inches by 54 ring gauge and come presented in an eye-catching, 12-count box with a fanned-out display. Only 15,000 boxes are being released, each set to retail for $120 or $10 per cigar.
Like the rest of the Oliva Serie V brand, these anniversary smokes are made in Nicaragua at the Tabolisa factory and consist of all-Nicaraguan tobacco, save for the wrapper, which is from Ecuador.
Although the 135th Anniversary Edición Limitada will be previewed at the PCA cigar trade show in Las Vegas next month, they aren’t projected to ship to retailers until the third quarter of this year.
The Oliva Cigar Co. is owned by J. Cortès Cigars, a private, family-owned business based in Zwevegem, Belgium.