I talked with Thomas Gryson – Vandermarliere Cigar Family (Oliva Cigars, J. Cortes), Export Manager and Travel Retail Coordinator about the TFWA exhibition in Cannes, the developments at Oliva Cigars in 2023 and the expectations for 2024.
Vandermarliere Cigar Family is a family-owned company located in Belgium with a history that spans over several decades. Founded in 1926, the company started as a small cigar factory in the heart of Europe.
Over the years, it has grown into an internationally recognized company known for producing quality hand-rolled and machine-made cigars. The company prides itself on blending traditional craftsmanship with modern techniques.
Vandermarliere Cigar Family sources its tobacco from various parts of the world, ensuring a diverse and rich flavor profile for its products. Their dedication to excellence and innovation has enabled them to remain a leading player in the global cigar industry.
With a presence in over 80 countries, Vandermarliere Cigar Family stands as a testament to craftsmanship and the allure of a well-made cigar.
Oliva Cigars, originating from Cuba, is a respected name in the world of premium cigars.
The Oliva family’s tobacco roots trace back to the late 1800s when Melanio Oliva began growing tobacco in the Pinar del Río region of Cuba.
After the Cuban Revolution, the family’s operations shifted to Nicaragua, a country also renowned for its fertile soil and ideal tobacco-growing conditions.
Despite facing challenges during the Nicaraguan civil unrest in the 1980s, the Oliva family persevered and solidified their place in the cigar industry. In the 1990s, Gilberto Oliva and his son, Gilberto Jr., established the Oliva Cigar Co., focusing on producing high-quality Nicaraguan cigars.
Over the years, Oliva Cigars has earned numerous accolades for its blends, particularly the Serie V and Serie V Melanio, which are highly rated among cigar enthusiasts. The brand’s reputation for crafting cigars with exceptional construction, depth, and flavor has led to its global recognition.
In 2016, Oliva Cigars was acquired by Vandermarliere Cigar Family but the Oliva family remains deeply involved in the brand’s day-to-day operations, ensuring the continued tradition of excellence that has defined Oliva for generations.
Asia Marketing Services represents Vandermarliere Cigar Family in the Asia-Pacific region.