Over the last two years, Oliva Cigar Co. has successfully launched a unique Advent Calendar in the American market, featuring 25 distinct cigars. Building on this success, the company is now expanding its offering with two different Advent Calendars – one tailored for the American market and another specifically for international distributors and retailers.
Recently, at the InterTabac trade fair in Dortmund, Germany, Oliva showcased the international edition of the calendar. This version, much like its predecessors, will include 25 cigars from various Oliva brands, including Serie V, Melanio, and NUB. In a new twist, Oliva encourages consumers to explore each cigar daily through a unique digital experience – by scanning a QR code on the box, customers will be directed to a video revealing the details of that day’s cigar.
Unlike previous years, these cigars will come with regular bands, allowing aficionados to identify them without relying on the QR code. The selection includes a blend of standard and limited edition cigars, some of which are exclusive to the calendar.
The cost of the sampler, which contains 25 cigars, will range between €250-300 (approximately $267-320), with pricing varying across different countries. A limited run of 1,500 boxes has been produced for the international markets.
The concept of an Advent calendar is rooted in a cherished Christmas tradition. Typically, these calendars have 25 numbered slots, each hiding a treat, often candy. This practice is part of the Advent season in Christian tradition, a period leading up to Christmas. Each day of Advent, a new slot is opened, culminating on December 24, Christmas Eve.