Oliva’s popular Serie V Melanio line of cigars continues to grow.
The new cigar will be a ‘Parejo’, or straight-sided cigar, unlike other box-pressed Melanio cigars.
The Serie V Melanio 4 x 60 Limitada 2021 will be available in markets outside the United States in just 3,000 boxes of 10. It is the fifth Oliva Edición Limitada.
This Limited Edition has a blend of Oliva Nicaraguan Habano that emphasizes tobacco from the Jalapa region, an area known for a more nuanced leaf than the Esteli or Condega regions. The Melanio is a very smooth cigar made up of only the finest premium, aged tobaccos that overflow with flavor.
The Melanio line is a limited production offshoot of the evergreen Oliva Serie V. The maduro (extra matured) versions are made in even smaller numbers than those Melanios rolled with Ecuadorian wrappers.
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