Cigar Aficionado Cigars of 2023 – No. 3: Oliva Serie V Melanio Toro

From Cigar Aficionado:

A considerably complex cigar from a company that appears to be improving each year. The Oliva Serie V Melanio Toro is emblematic of Oliva’s serious commitment to quality.

After Oliva Cigar Co. was acquired by Vandermarliere Cigar Family in 2016 (then known as J. Cortés), Fred Vandermarliere vowed to maintain the tradition of excellence established by the Oliva family. It was no empty promise.

The company recently opened a massive new facility in Nicaragua dedicated to the proper fermentation, aging and processing of tobacco. Oliva has also doubled its rolling capacity and expanded its agricultural operations. All this growth would mean nothing if the quality of the product suffered as a result—which it didn’t.

In fact, just the opposite happened. Throughout the year, Oliva has turned in one high score after the next, but none quite as impressive as the Serie V Melanio Toro. With its Sumatra-seed wrapper grown in Ecuador and blend of Nicaraguan tobacco, the smoke brims with earth and spice, offering everything from cumin and cardamom to ground clove and allspice. An underlying thread of cedar brings balance and structure.

For more information about Oliva products please visit