Agio Cigars Updates Balmoral Dominican Selection Wooden Boxes Range

For consumers regularly smoking a cigar like Winston Churchill did, it makes sense to buy wooden boxes with 25 cigars. Besides being convenient and practical, the wooden boxes create a nice presentation for the cigars.

Hans Rijfkogel
Winston Churchill

Reasons enough for Agio Cigars to add Balmoral Dominican Selection Short Corona in wooden boxes containing 25 cigars to the Balmoral range. And of course, cigars in wooden boxes also make a great gift!

BDS Short Corona 25
BDS Short Corona 25

This means that most of the Balmoral Dominican Selection products are now available in wooden boxes with 25 cigars. The full range is as follows:

Balmoral Dominican Selection Small Panatela 25’s
Balmoral Dominican Selection Small Panatela Tubos 25’s
Balmoral Dominican Selection Panatela 25’s
Balmoral Dominican Selection Short Corona 25’s
Balmoral Dominican Selection Corona 25’s
Balmoral Dominican Selection Corona Tubos 25’s

All Balmoral Dominican Selection cigars are made in Royal Agio Cigars factory in San Pedro de Macoris in the Dominican Republic, a small city located in the southeastern part of the country.

The shortfiller cigars are made with a premium blend of tobaccos from South America and the Caribbean and a natural shade-grown wrapper from Ecuador.

BDS Short Corona
BDS Short Corona

Growing the wrappers from Ecuador in a natural shade ensures that the Balmoral cigars have a mild and rich flavor. It also guarantees the beautiful golden color of the wrapper. Balmoral’s master blender Willem van Overveld carefully selects these tobaccos, which provide the perfect body and balance to the cigars.

If you would like more information about the range of Balmoral Dominican Selection products in 25’s wooden boxes, please contact Hans Rijfkogel, Asia Marketing Services at +886-2-8758 2778 or