Balmoral Aged 3 Years Cigars

Agio Cigars introduces Balmoral Aged 3-Years Cigars in Asia.Β These Balmoral cigars are made with an aged Mata Fina wrapper and a mix of Caribbean tobacco giving the cigars a mild but full flavor. Mata Fina is a sun-grown tobacco which is typically made into wrappers and used for premium, long filler cigars.


Balmoral Aged Cigars
Balmoral Aged Cigars


Balmoral Aged Cigars are made in Agio Cigars factory in San Pedro de Macoris, a small city in the Dominican Republic.


Balmoral Aged Cigars Ring
Balmoral Aged Cigars


This Brazilian wrapper is dark brown in color with a mild to medium strength. The flavor is rich, very aromatic and has a natural sweetness. The Mata Fina region is located in the Reconcavo Basin in the state of Bahia, Brazil.


Balmoral Aged Coronita Cigar
Balmoral Aged Coronita Cigar


What are the product characteristics of Balmoral Aged cigars?

  • The Mata Fina wrapper has been aged for at least 3 years
  • Premium tobacco from the Caribbean
  • Long filler tobacco for shortfiller cigars
  • Ideal for a short smoke
  • Full of flavor and a natural sweetness
  • Available in convenient 5-packs
  • Coronita: length 98mm, diameter 14.1mm, 20 minute smoke
  • Short Corona: length 112mm, diameter 16.1mm, 25 minute smoke


Balmoral Aged Short Corona
Balmoral Aged Short Corona


In Asian Duty Free shops you will find the Coronita 5’s for around US$ 10 per pack and Short Corona 5’s for US$ 12 per pack. Domestic retail prices depend on taxes which vary per country.

For more information about Balmoral Aged Cigars, please contact Hans Rijfkogel, Asia Marketing Services at:

+886-2-8758 2778 or