Agio Cigars introduces Balmoral Aged 3-Years Cigars in Asia.Β These Balmoral cigars are made with an aged Mata Fina wrapper and a mix of Caribbean tobacco giving the cigars a mild but full flavor. Mata Fina is a sun-grown tobacco which is typically made into wrappers and used for premium, long filler cigars.
Balmoral Aged Cigars are made in Agio Cigars factory in San Pedro de Macoris, a small city in the Dominican Republic.
This Brazilian wrapper is dark brown in color with a mild to medium strength. The flavor is rich, very aromatic and has a natural sweetness. The Mata Fina region is located in the Reconcavo Basin in the state of Bahia, Brazil.
What are the product characteristics of Balmoral Aged cigars?
- The Mata Fina wrapper has been aged for at least 3 years
- Premium tobacco from the Caribbean
- Long filler tobacco for shortfiller cigars
- Ideal for a short smoke
- Full of flavor and a natural sweetness
- Available in convenient 5-packs
- Coronita: length 98mm, diameter 14.1mm, 20 minute smoke
- Short Corona: length 112mm, diameter 16.1mm, 25 minute smoke
In Asian Duty Free shops you will find the Coronita 5βs for around US$ 10 per pack and Short Corona 5βs for US$ 12 per pack. Domestic retail prices depend on taxes which vary per country.
For more information about Balmoral Aged Cigars, please contact Hans Rijfkogel, Asia Marketing Services at:
+886-2-8758 2778 or