Agio Cigars has renewed the Balmoral website The website not only shows the extensive range of Balmoral cigars but also tells the story behind the cigars.
Balmoral’s philosophy is to use only the best tobaccos. But perhaps even more important, to create something which is greater than the sum of its parts. And people are a key element in achieving this.
The website illustrates that it is the people who make the cigar. Each individual brings knowledge, experience and personal attention to the cigars. Boris Wintermans (4th generation in the family business and CEO of Royal Agio Cigars), Willem van Overveld (Master Blender) and Francisco Batista (Factory Director Dominican Republic) each tell their own story and lead you through the process from tobacco seed to the final cigar.
Visit the new Balmoral website at and discover the story behind the best cigars that the Dominican Republic has to offer!